
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the officially recognized student governance body for Black Hawk College. 在四城校区,它由14名参议员组成, 包括行政人员, and the opportunity for any Black Hawk College student to be a part of one or more of the standing committees: Activities, 志愿服务, 和管理, 以及其他委员会, 例如社际理事会委员会. Senators are appointed by the outgoing Senate once a year through an application and interview process.


  • ENHANCES the quality of college life for Black Hawk College students.
  • 管理学生组织.
  • PROVIDES activities, volunteer and leadership opportunities on campus.


总统: SGA领导


  • 获得领导技能
  • 提高你的简历和大学申请
  • 在十大平台网赌下载最新留下你们的遗产
  • 参加领导会议
  • Student Government Association Application — Available in the spring.

 有兴趣参与? 下一个步骤:

  • 如果你是一个学生 有兴趣成为SGA的一员,请填写 学生会社团申请. Once we receive your application, we will contact you regarding the possibility of an interview.
  • 如果你是教职员工 that would like to nominate a student to participate in the SGA please fill out the 学生自治团体提名表格.

F或更多信息 about Student Government Association at Black Hawk College, Contact我们.

SGA Cornerstones

活动: to organize and facilitate activities that complement the educational opportunities of Black Hawk College or provide entertainment.

志愿精神: to encourage community service among the SGA, clubs/organizations, and the college community.

管理: to collect input from the student body and lobby for student requested change to the appropriate members of the college.

法律事务: to propose amendments or other remedies concerning controversies of interpretation or deficiencies of the constitution or by-laws, and to make recommendations regarding removal of any officer or expulsion of any Senator.

俱乐部内委员会: to encourage greater interaction and cooperation among the various clubs and organizations; to serve as an educational resource for existing clubs as well as students who wish to join or start clubs, and to advise the Executive Cornerstone and Senate on issues concerning various clubs and organizations.

财务: to be responsible for budgeting and funding of all SGA monies in the best interest of the students at Black Hawk College. The Finance Cornerstone shall also make recommendations for all Black Hawk College club requests for funding.

有兴趣加入SGA委员会?  电子邮件 sga@taxidalat24h.net 或更多信息.


参议员的任命: Appointment process shall be held approximately one month prior to the end of spring semesters at dates determined by the senator appointment committee and publicized in accordance with the by-laws.

a)在审核正确提交的申请后, the senator appointment committee shall place the candidate’s name on the list for the next scheduled set of interviews. The application must be submitted at least one week prior to scheduled interviews.
b)候选人的法定名称, 中间名可选, shall be placed on the list in the order the applications are received. 如果候选人通常用昵称, 该名称可以放在给定名称后面的引号中.
c) Interviews shall be available to applicants through a variety of times and days of the week over the course of at least two weeks.
e) The candidates with the highest point totals from interview committee members shall fill the available Senator positions. 如果两个或两个以上的候选人争夺最后一个空缺职位, a winner shall be chosen by lot in a fair and open manner chosen by the senator appointment committee.
f ) The Senators’ terms of office begin at the third Senate meeting following appointments.
g) Newly appointed senators shall attend all SGA meetings between the appointment and the time that they take office. Returning senators will be sworn-in at the meeting where the new senators take office.

选举主席团成员: The Senate shall elect from among their number several officers, who:

1. Shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Financial Administrator.
2. 在新当选的参议员就职后进行选举.
3. 保留参议员的一切权利和责任, 并被视为参议员, 但只能使用各自职位的头衔.
4. 不得同时担任两个或两个以上职务.
5. 同一职位不得连任三届以上.
6. Shall uphold the SGA Officer Guidelines created and approved by the current Executive Committee.





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