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What is the ARP?

美国救援计划(ARP)是一项联邦立法,为受COVID-19(新型冠状病毒)大流行影响的个人和组织提供各种财政支持. 这项联邦计划的一部分拨款给学院和大学, 这笔拨款的一部分可以奖励给因COVID-19及其相关影响而遭受经济费用的学生.

Who can apply for a CARES grant?

十大平台网赌下载最新关怀补助金(2022年春季)的申请现已关闭. Additional CARES Grant funding is not anticipated.

What kinds of expenses are covered by this grant?

来自BHC CARES Grant的资金可用于与学生出勤费用相关的费用或因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, 保健(包括精神保健)或儿童保健.

How much can I apply for?

Qualifying students enrolled in college credit coursework 可申请最高2,000元(最高资助金额视乎入学情况而定).

Qualifying students enrolled in non-credit career programs can apply for up to $500.

How can I apply?

十大平台网赌下载最新关怀补助金(2022年春季)的申请现已关闭. Additional CARES Grant funding is not anticipated.


参加大学学分课程的申请人将在收到完整的BHC CARES资助学生认证表格后10个工作日内通过myBHC电子邮件收到通知. 认证表格将按照收到的顺序进行审核.



学生获得紧急拨款的方式将取决于他们所参加的课程类型, and possibly their age.

BHC Student Type Refund Route
College credit students under the age of 16 纸质支票寄到BHC学生档案上的地址
College credit students age 16 and over Select a refund option through Bank Mobile; additional instructions located here: CARES Grant Direct Payments
All students in non-credit programs 纸质支票寄到BHC学生档案上的地址

Does the money need to be repaid?


Would this funding reduce my financial aid?

No, BHC CARES资助不会影响您获得其他经济援助的资格,并且是申请学期的一次性资助.

What is the deadline to apply?

十大平台网赌下载最新关怀补助金(2022年春季)的申请现已关闭. Additional CARES Grant funding is not anticipated.


Learn more about the BHC Food Pantry.

Additionally, the River Bend Food Bank searchable directory 会根据你的位置找到最近的资源吗.

Are there other financial aid options available?

如果你或你的父母(包括在FAFSA)经历了收入的显著减少, 您可能有资格调整您的2021-22财政援助申请.

Who can I contact for more information?

Qualifying students enrolled in college credit coursework should email

Qualifying students enrolled in non-credit career programs should contact their program instructor.

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Quad-Cities Campus

Building 1, Room 227
309-796-5400 | 309-796-5447 (fax)
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m.

East Campus
Building A, Room 102
309-854-1710 | 309-796-5447 (fax)
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.