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Honors Program Outcome Statements

  • Students will research, analyze, synthesize, 从广泛的材料中与教师和同行交流和分享他们的发现.
  • 学生将探索领导原则,包括仆人式领导和目标设定,并将确定最符合他们的价值观和目标的领导方法.
  • 学生将参与课堂之外的学习体验,包括研究, scholarship, service and leadership opportunities.
  • 学生将展示对学术工作的伦理和道德义务的理解.


Personal and Academic Growth

The Honors Program introduces students to concepts in academic research, scholarship, leadership and service through the HONR 200 Honors Seminar course. HONR 205独立学习课程允许学生选择一个学术兴趣领域,并与教师合作,创造一个展示学术研究并与大学社区分享成果的机会. 服务项目允许学生找到一个领域,在那里他们可以运用自己的兴趣和技能,为他人提供服务.

Competitive Edge for Future Educational and Career Opportunities

雇主和转学学院寻找的是那些积极投入学习的学生. By participating in this program, students learn communication, 领导能力和学术能力将使他们在同龄人中脱颖而出. 学生将有具体的学术和服务项目来展示这些技能. The Honors Seminar, 独立学习和服务项目要求学生与他人合作,发展传统课堂作业之外的学术技能.

Special Recognition from BHC

  • Students will have HONR 200 and HONR 205 recorded on their transcripts.
  • 完成荣誉课程所有组成部分的学生将在他们的成绩单上得到认可, the graduation program and the Honors Program Canvas Course.
  • 学生的荣誉独立学习成果将在荣誉项目画布课程上与学院社区分享.
  • Students entering the program will receive a welcome gift.
  • 学生将有机会参与社会和/或文化学术活动.
  • Students will be invited to a lunch with the Black Hawk College President.

Honors Seminar

荣誉研讨会是一个一学分的课程,为学生参加荣誉课程做好准备,并完成所需的学术研究为基础的独立研究项目和服务项目,以满足荣誉课程的要求. 服务项目可以让学生找到一个领域,在那里他们可以运用自己的兴趣和技能,为他人提供服务. Students will have a Service Project to demonstrate these skills.

Independent Study

荣誉独立学习是一门1-3学时的课程,旨在帮助学生完成荣誉课程所要求的基于学术研究的独立学习项目. 学生将与他们研究领域的教师密切合作,进行学术研究,并制作与他们选择的主题相关的项目. The faculty serves as a support system for students.

独立学习为学生提供了探索兴趣、发展研究和批判性思维技能的机会. 这些研究兴趣对未来的决定和职业目标有很大的影响.

Honors Service Project

荣誉服务项目的目标是让学生在他们选择的领域内获得宝贵的现实经验. To complete an Honors Service Project, students must volunteer at least 10 hours for a non-profit organization. 当志愿者时,建议学生记笔记来反思他们的经历. After they have completed their volunteer work, students will write a reflection paper on their overall involvement.

Applying to be an Honors Student

荣誉项目是为十大平台网赌下载最新的学生提供的,他们希望通过参与额外的学术和服务机会来丰富他们的大学经历. The Honors Program admits students as new freshmen, as well as current Black Hawk College students and transfer students. 荣誉课程的申请程序旨在吸引广泛的高度上进心的学生,他们有可能在大学生涯和以后取得额外的成功.

To complete the program, students will need to have a GPA of 3.25 or better and meet the requirements of the program:

  • Complete HONR 200 and HONR 205 with a C or better.
  • Complete the Service Project requirement.
  • Submit the Service Project Reflection Form.
  • 通过HONR 205报告表格分享HONR 205独立研究结果.

有兴趣加入荣誉课程或验证资格的学生,鼓励联系咨询. Quad-Cities Campus Advising can be reached at 309-796-5100 or East Campus Advising can be reached at 309-854-1709. Kristian Clayton is the Honors Program Liaison and he can be reached at

All interested students should fill out an Honors Program Application Form 并尽快注册HONR 200,以便有足够的时间在毕业前完成所有荣誉要求.

Note: 在毕业时无法完成荣誉课程的所有要求的学生仍然欢迎参加HONR 200和HONR 205课程. Those courses will appear on the students’ college transcripts.

Contact Advising

Quad-Cities Campus
Building 1, Advising Center
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment

East Campus
Building A, Room 246
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Evenings by appointment

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